February 17th news, according to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, FTX bankruptcy auction of 11.20 million SOL (worth about 2.06 billion US dollars) will be unlocked on March 1, 2025. Previously, FTX sold a total of 41 million SOL through three auctions, the main buyers and their returns are as follows: Galaxy bought 25.52 million at $64 each, returning 187%; Pantera and other buyers bought 13.67 million at $95 each, returning 93%; Figure and other buyers bought 1.80 million at $102 each, returning 80%.
The main contract of Shanghai nickel fell by more than 2% and is now reported at 141,120 yuan/ton.
On June 5th, according to the monitoring of on-chain detective ZachXBT, a TAO holder stole 28,200 TAO in June and January, worth about 11.20 million US dollars. The hacker has transferred the stolen funds to Ethereum and sold part of the TAO as ETH and USDC. At present, the hacker still has 12,400 TAO (about 5 million US dollars) left, and has transferred USDC and ETH to Whitbit, HTX and Binance.
金十期货4月3日讯,富宝锂电网发布数据显示,今日富宝碳酸锂指数报109333元/吨,上涨1000元/吨;电池级碳酸锂报112000元/吨,上涨1000元/吨;工业级碳酸锂(综合)报107000元/吨,上涨1000元/吨;电池级碳酸锂长协均价104450元/吨,上涨300元/吨。氢氧化锂指数报98833元/吨,持平。锂辉石(非洲 SC 5%)报450美元/吨,持平;锂辉石(中国 CIF 6%)报1140美元/吨,上涨15美元/吨;锂辉石指数(5%≤ Li2O <6%)报8550元/吨,持平;锂云母指数(2%≤ Li2O <4%)报3330元/吨,持平;磷锂铝石(7%≤ Li2O <8%)报9750元/吨,持平;富锂铝电解质指数(1.5%≤Li2O<5%)报3030元/吨,持平。电池级碳酸锂现货日均基差(对LC2407)较昨日走阔,日均报价-750元/吨。